
Galleries can play a critical role, but only when they take a critical lead.

We all know that most contemporary Fine Art galleries are struggling to find their identity in a world that is quickly turning digital. The pace is quickening and unrelenting.

Scarcity Obscura is a perfect tool for galleries to leverage and escalate the visibility of an artist, whether a painting, photo, sculpture or collectible. It also adds to the gallery’s credibility because artwork can now be easily certified through blockchain.

Artworks can be protected by virtue of identifying and safeguarding provenance.

The process starts as soon as the art piece is registered in the global system.

The advantage for a gallery is that curators usually have more sophisticated business knowledge than artists, and consequently can provide added value by building proprietary networks that integrate artists into a gallery’s blockchain system.

Once a piece is registered on a gallery’s blockchain, it resides there forever.

It takes a bit of skill and knowledge to initially set up, but once it is running it is self-perpetuating, as well as relatively affordable and easy to manage.

Blockchain can reduce a gallery’s operating costs significantly.

A gallery owner can take the lead to help artists compete on a global front, but unless they act quickly, artists will find their own paths, and once an image is committed to the block, it resides at that location forever with ALL profits going directly to the artist.

Timing for galleries, artists, and art collectors is of the essence.